Science Matters
This hands-on science program provides schools with the resources to deliver challenging science curricula in a problem-solving environment. Services include module training, module refurbishing, curriculum mapping, module rental, and customized professional development.
What is Science Matters?
- Materials
- Science modules containing all materials to complete a 9-week, inquiry-based science unit
- Comprehensive teacher guides
- Refurbishment support
- Professional Development
- Science Matters Module training
- Ongoing professional development support to enhance content knowledge and process skills
- Curriculum Design Support
- Consultation services with school district personnel to select titles that meet both district goals and state standards
"The module created excitement and motivation in my class. This provided an atmosphere of discussion, observation, and involvement that I do not wish to ever lose".
Marie Lowe
Teacher, Avella Area Elementary School
Science Matters Materials Support
At Science Matters Materials Warehouse, we inventory, clean, and refurbish science and robotics modules that have been selected by school personnel. These modules are shipped directly to schools for 9–12 week rotations.
The inquiry-based materials are nationally endorsed, contain enough materials and equipment for eight weeks of instruction for a class of 30 students, and are available in more than 60 titles from three publishers.
Science Matters rents modules directly to schools and refurbishes district-owned kits.
Each year, 1400 modules are shipped to 50 school buildings across Washington, Fayette, and Greene Counties.
Research-based Materials Suppliers
- Biological Science Curriculum Study
- Delta Science Module
- Full Option Science from the Lawrence Hall of Science at Berkley
- National Robotics Engineering Consortium
- Science and Technology for Children from the National Science Resources Center
Science Matters Professional Development
Step 1: Onsite Curriculum Design Service
Aligning Science Matters Modules to your district’s curriculum is the first step in preparing your school for inquiry-based science. Science Matters staff will assist administrators and teachers in selecting modules that meet both district goals and state science standards.
Cost: Included
Step 2: On-Site Module Training
Science and technology education teachers explore the concepts, skills, and activities embedded in a specific module. Training facilitators will model activities and strategies necessary for each lesson, including journaling, assessment, and inquiry. Teachers will leave with a clear understanding of the science concepts included in the module.
Step 3: Advanced Regional Professional Development
Designed for teachers who are using the Science Matters modules in their classrooms, the following half-day courses are available to support them in optimizing student learning with the kits. Professional development options include:
- Using Science Notebooks
- Science Assessment Strategies
Pre-K–8 Curriculum Framework
Download the Science Matters Framework 20-21 (pdf document)
Interested in Science Matters?
For scheduling and pricing, contact Alyssa Moore at or call 724-938-3241 ext. 239.