Act 45 Opportunities
In order for administrators to meet the requirements of 180 Act 45 Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) hours every five years, the IU1 Center for Professional Development recommends the following options. For additional information regarding PIL hours and requirements, please visit the PIL section of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) website.
For more information about these options, please email Jenny Lent.
Who Must Fulfill the Act 45 Requirements?
All certified school and systems leaders who serve in the following positions in a commonwealth public school:
- Assistant or vice principal
- Principal
- Assistant superintendent
- Superintendent
- Assistant intermediate unit executive director
- Intermediate unit executive director
- Director of an area vocational-technical school
All school and system leaders must complete their Act 45 continuing professional education requirements in no less than the same proportion as the proportion of the compliance period during which the individual was employed as a school or system leader.
How will I know the number of Act 45 hours I need to complete after I become an administrator serving in one of the seven designated positions?
- The date of service in one of the seven designated positions marks the beginning for the PIL continuing professional education requirements regardless of the number of regular Act 48 hours that the administrator may have previously earned. The “clock” for PIL continuing professional education (CPE) requirements begins to tick on the date of hire in the PIL-covered position.
- The number of PIL hours to be completed for the remainder of the administrator’s cycle will be reflected in the Professional Education Record Management System (PERMS) record.
- Administrators who begin service during the summer or the beginning of the school year may not see this information on their records until the fall of the succeeding school year due to the fact that their new position was not included in the school district PIMS report submitted to PDE in the spring.
Which courses are approved to provide the Act 45 continuing professional education hours and where can I find them on the PDE website?
- All PDE Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Program courses provide Act 45 continuing professional education hours including those approved for the Principal Induction Program.
- PDE-approved Superintendent Letter of Eligibility program courses provide Act 45 continuing professional education hours.
- A list of approved non-PDE courses to provide Act 45 continuing professional education hours offered by other organizations is located on the PDE Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership website. All PDE PIL Professional Development courses described below can be viewed on the PDE website.
Principal Induction Requirements
All persons issued an Administrative certificate prior to January 1, 2008 and employed for the first time as principal or assistant/vice principal in a commonwealth public school on or after January 1, 2008 must complete a PDE-approved Principal Induction Program. The PDE Principal Induction Program is comprised of PIL courses one and four. These courses provide a total of 150 Act 48 hours.