National Institute for School Leadership/Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership

The Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) Program is a statewide, standards-based continuing professional education program for school and system leaders. The comprehensive, cohort-based program is focused on developing the capacity of leaders to improve student achievement. The free program is offered by the Department of Education in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Intermediate Units and other partners at eight regional sites. Intermediate Unit 1 is part of PIL Region 7. For additional information, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) section of the National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) website.

Effective January 1, 2008, all school and system leaders (defined as principal, assistant or vice principal, superintendent, assistant superintendent, intermediate unit executive director, intermediate unit assistant executive director, and area vocational-technical school director) must meet their Act 48 continuing professional education requirements in programs that address the three core and six corollary Pennsylvania leadership standards.

What Courses Do I Need and Should I Enroll?

Any educator becoming an assistant principal or principal for the first time as of January 1, 2008 must enroll in an Induction program. This program must be completed within five years of being hired as an administrator. There is not a moratorium on Principal Induction. The Induction program consists of NISL Courses 1 and 4. Administrators should enroll in Course 1 first and then Course 4 the following year. The Induction Course 1 is either NISL Course 1A or Course 1C.

Experienced administrators can enroll in Course 1B. The NISL Course 1 is an 8-day training on World Class Schooling. Topics in this course include the educational challenges administrators face, thinking strategically, elements of a standards-based instructional system and the foundations of effective teaching.

The Coaching Institute is a new course. For those administrators that have completed LEAD in the past, or at any time during your participation in the PIL program, you are welcome to enroll in this new training. The Coaching Institute is a hands-on exercise in instructional coaching. Participants will understand the effects of coaching on improving teaching and learning; implement the five steps of instructional coaching in a variety of coaching situations; use effective coaching skills and tools in a number of coaching situations; and generate ideas for incorporating coaching into their school. Pennsylvania’s new Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems will be explored in the context of school leadership.

The Early Childhood Executive Leadership Institute (ECELI) is a program for administrators primarily working with younger students. In this training, participants will acquire the deep knowledge and leadership skills needed to successfully identify and navigate the challenges and opportunities confronting pre-K to grade 3. Administrators are strongly encouraged to invite a child care director or other agency director working with young children to develop a partnership in delivering coordinated, aligned, and coherent learning experiences to students (from birth to grade 3).

Schedule and Applying

Download the Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Schedule for Region 7 Schedule for 2015–2016 (PDF Document) and the program application (Word Document).