Federal Programs
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Division of Federal Programs administers federal programs and funding to over 570 local education agencies, nonpublic, and charter schools in the amount of $700 million.
For information on programs, allocations, request for proposals for grants, and forms, go to the Division of Federal Programs website.
Title I Services to Nonpublic School Students
Title I is a 100% federally funded supplemental education program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies to improve educational opportunities for educationally deprived children. Title I programs are designed to help children meet the state content and performance standards in reading, language arts, and mathematics. In buildings with 40% or more poverty, local educational agencies (LEAs) may use the funds to upgrade the entire curriculum of the school and are Schoolwide Programs. In buildings with less than 40% poverty, programs are designed to help specific children and are targeted assisted programs. LEAs and schools are subject to consequences of school choice and supplemental education services if they do not meet adequate yearly progress as determined by the SEA.
Title IIa: Improving Teacher Quality
Title II, Part A, is a 100% federally funded supplemental educational program that provides financial assistance to improve the skills of teachers and the quality of instruction in core academic subjects in public and private elementary and secondary schools.
Of the state allocation, 95% is used for basic education in local education agencies, 2.5% is used for higher education competitive grants, and 2.5% is used for state activities.
Title II, Part A, combines the Eisenhower and Class-Size Reduction programs into one program that focuses on preparing, training, and recruiting and hiring highly qualified teachers.
Title III: English as a Second Language
Title III is a 100% federally funded supplemental program that concentrates on delivering language instruction educational programs to students who have a primary language other than English. This program is designed to improve the education of limited English proficient (LEP) children and youths by helping them learn English and meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. The program also provides enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youths.
For more information on these and other federal programs, visit the Pennsylvania Association of Federal Program Coordinators (PAFPC) website.