Make notes to yourself about areas that you may need additional professional development and support. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to an IU1 Professional Development team member. You can find a staff directory listing within our Curriculum Department Staff Directory
Common Best Practices to follow are:
- Communication to Students and Parents. Set clear goals and objectives. Help parents understand the objectives.
- Be mindful of Social-Emotional Needs. Check-in with how students are feeling. Be attentive and provide timely follow-up.
- Organize Materials and Sequencing Instructions. Be clear and specific with the requirements you have set for the students.
- Keep a Reality of Time. Consider that assignments done at home may take twice as long due to various factors. Focus on what is absolutely essential.
- Keep in mind the needs of Diverse Learners. Utilize Accessibility for Students guides.
- If you working with the K-4 group, design content for the caregiver instead of the student.